Jim beam neon sign please contct us for a quote on shipping before ordering his neon sign is made from neon glass tubes and built with special shock absorbing tube supPorts on a colour printed background. Because of this background the connections and wiring will be almost invisible, and the neon will be just as nice when it’s switched off. Behind the background we use a metal frame to enable the sign to hang or stand. It is ready for use and comes with an on/off switch and australian plug. The signs are supplied with a safety converter which will automatically shut down in case of glass breakage or a short circuit. Hese neon signs are handmade products which require specialised glassblowing skills. Glass tubes are manually bent according to the design. After bending, the glass tubes are cleaned, connected with electrodes and filLED with a rare gas neon (red) or argon (blue). A combination of the rare gas with the colour of the tube and its coating inside will give the final colour when lit. Frame size: w x h x d: 68 x 57 x 16 cm he perfect father's day, birthday or christmas present or for anyone that has a man cave. jim beam neon sign