Ford mustang stubby holder neoprene stubby holder Ford mustang official Ford merchandise have your beer, mixed drink or can of soft drink on the run in your "Ford mustang stubby holder" he stubby holder will hold most cans 330ml glass bottle's. Your stubby holder will become as imPortant as your car keys and wallet. Going to a mates place to watch the racing, or going to watch Ford at the race track, what better way to show your supPort than using this stubby holder. So, your mate's coming over that barrack's for that other team you don't want to talk about, what better way to stir him up is get him a cold one and put it in your Ford stubby holder. Just imaging the look on his face. He perfect father's day, birthday or christmas present or for anyone that has a man cave. Another great item to add to your Ford collection Ford mustang stubby holder